l a n g l e y

Winterize Your Langley Home’s Pipes and Avoid Frozen Pipe Problems

Winter is just around the corner for Langley’s December season. Winters here are mild (the average high is between 16—18°F and low between 0—2°F), but they can be costly with regard to plumbing jobs. According to the National Weather Service, December and January get over 160 mm of precipitation so there is a higher risk… Continue reading Winterize Your Langley Home’s Pipes and Avoid Frozen Pipe Problems

Strange Noises Coming from Your Pipes? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Hearing strange noises coming out of your pipes can be quite disturbing and irritating. From rattles and bangs to gurgles and whistles, these sounds might make you concerned that something is not right with your plumbing system. These noises are usually a sign that something needs quick attention. Reaching out to a professional plumbing service… Continue reading Strange Noises Coming from Your Pipes? Here’s What You Need to Know!